WiComm - Coupling Matrix Synthesis

WiComm's bandpass synthesis wizard allows a fast synthesis of the coupling matrix for a bandpass filter with a generalized Chebyshev response and required specification (filter order, return loss level, defined pure-imaginary transmission or complex transmission zeros and filter topology). The resulting coupling matrix is an excellent starting point for a filter design. The bandpass synthesis wizard uses a unique technique for coupling matrix synthesis, which is capable to find the couplings for various non-standard, unique topologies including several load (source)-resonator and direct load-source couplings.

Main features of the synthesis tool:

    • Support of arbitrary, user defined topologies.
    • Support of direct source-load coupling and several source(load)-resonator couplings.
    • Support of pure-imaginary and pairs of complex (equalization) zeros.
    • Robust algorithm of coupling matrix synthesis.
    • User-defined signs of the couplings.
    • Low-pass and band-pass input of filter specification.
    • On-the-fly preview of the filter prototype polynomials.
    • Group-delay preview.
    • Built-in optimization module of equalization (complex) zeros placement to flatten group delay.
    • Automated transform between low-pass and band-pass prototypes.
    • User-defined masks on filter response.
    • Easy tuning of the imaginary zeros with slider.
    • Preview of the response with finite Q-factor resonators.
    • Export of the coupling matrix to text file.